R&R Textile Mills Inc.
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textiles. products. solutions.

R&R Textile Mills Inc. is a leading manufacturer and supplier of textile productions and solutions. Our service scope focuses on the 5 industries below in the United States. 


About Us


R&R Textile Mills Inc is a leading manufacturer and distributor of textile products. Based out Chicago, R&R has been supplying textile products throughout the continental United States for almost 30 years. 

Our customers represent our strength and foundation. In our continued pursuit of excellence within the textile industry, our commitment to our customers is resolute.

An indoor textile manufacturing facility.

Our Production

Our vertically integrated manufacturing facilities focus on both production quality and social accountability for our stakeholders. Each of our 5 facilities has a specific core competency and product manufacturing niche.

A photograph of a blue and white plaid dishtowel and a stack of plates sitting on top of a marble countertop.

Our Products

We produce kitchen, bath, bedding, craft, and cleaning textiles for various industries. These industries are serviced either via our own internal brands or private label programs from one of our production facilities.

A photograph of a person's hands holding a tablet in front of an aisle in a factory.

Our Technology

Our technology infrastructure provides a strategic advantage for our customers across all 5 of our product lines. Specifically, our infrastructure gives our customers flexibility.


While some vendors have an internal focus of volume and sales, we focus on the big picture needs of our customers. It is imperative to remember that every problem a has a unique solution. Let us help you find yours.